IHG Responsible Procurement

Covers of branded document titled 'What does Responsible Procurement mean for you?'

Simplify and explain what responsible procurement is, for a global audience, to meet business goals.


As part of IHG’s global purpose and strategy, they have committed to being a responsible business. Key to this commitment is how they manage their complex supply chain, ethical business standards and purchasing. They refer to this as Responsible Procurement.

The challenge was to explain precisely what Responsible Procurement is, how to achieve it, and create clarity around IHG’s goals. This work started an engagement programme supporting the company’s targets and affecting change within the business.


A simplified written statement and visual language translated the complex subject into an initiative that the whole workforce could understand, and put into action.

This consistent message used across all communications created a real sense of purpose. More detailed subject matter followed, building on specific aspects of the programme.

Programme visual and statement

Internal communications mockups

Animation storyboard frames

Designed at Juice Moving Images Ltd